Sega Net Mahjong Mj

Release date : Sep 19, 2013 ( 11 years ago )

A home version of Sega's MJ series of arcade mahjong games for PC and mobile devices, released in 2013 in Japan. Notable features include a gacha system for acquiring new characters, music, etc. and match commentary. It was later translated and released in North America for mobile devices in 2020, although this version had its online service shut down less than a year later.

Sega Net Mahjong Mj
Platforms :
PC (Microsoft Windows) Legacy Mobile Device
Genre :
Card & Board Game
Game engine :
Keyword :
riichi mahjong mj
Website :
Alternative name :
セガNET麻雀 MJ (Japanese title - original) セガNET麻雀 MJ モバイル版 (Japanese title - original) セガNET麻雀 MJ PC版 (Japanese title - original) SEGA NET MAHJONG MJ Mobile Edition (Japanese title - translated) SEGA NET MAHJONG MJ PC Edition (Japanese title - translated) SEGA NET MAHJONG MJ (Stylized title)
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