Final Fantasy VI

Release date : Apr 02, 1994 ( 30 years ago )

Final Fantasy VI focuses on a conflict between the Gestahlian Empire conquering the world and a rebel faction opposed to them known as the Returners, taking place in a fantasy steampunk-style world. The Empire has acquired great power by experimenting on captured espers, magical creatures of legend. The Returners seek magical power to fight the Empire on equal terms, and an amnesiac former imperial soldier, Terra Branford, proves key to both sides for understanding magic and espers.

Final Fantasy VI
Platforms :
Wii PlayStation Wii U Super Famicom
Theme :
Fantasy Sandbox Open world
Genre :
Role-playing (RPG) Adventure
Keyword :
post-apocalyptic asian style sandbox ninja mech magic sword grinding samurai fantasy
Website :
Alternative name :
FFVI (Acronym) FF6 (Alternative spelling) Final Fantasy III (Alternative title) ファイナルファンタジーVI (Japanese title - original) Final Fantasy VI Advance (Alternative spelling) Final Fantasy 6 (Alternative spelling) 最终幻想6 (Chinese title - simplified) FF3 (Alternative spelling) FFIII (Alternative spelling) Final Fantasy 3 (Alternative spelling) FINAL FANTASY VI (Stylized title)

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