Satomi Hakkenden Hamaji Hime no Ki

Release date : Sep 25, 2014 ( 9 years ago )

"Where will the demon sword lead? To battle or to love?" It is a time of war. Inuzuka Shino (the protagonist) serves the Satomi clan as a warrior. Just as she was about to move on from the sadness of losing her childhood friend, Hamaji, the said childhood friend who was supposed to have died, returns as the fiancé of the House of Satomi's fifth princess, Princess Hamaji. "But I'm sure Hamaji died..." That night, Murasamemaru and the "Filial Piety" bead was stolen. Hamaji and the princess disappeared. Who stole the Murasamemaru? What is the meaning behind this incident? In order to retrieve Murasamemaru and the bead, Shino once again journeys forth with the Hakkenshi. What awaits them as they chase after the two "Hamaji"?

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