Fog & Silver

Release date : TBD

In the world of Fog & Silver, the most advanced technology of the Victorian era and the occult forces from beyond the veil coexist. You experience this wild time of innovation and mystery as an Exalted. One of the most powerful and extraordinary individuals this era has to offer, like Nicola Tesla, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde or Madame Tussaud. You are the pinnacle of your field and near untouchable for mere mortals.​ But there is a deep rift between followers of Technology and the Occult, forcing everyone to pick their side in a struggle for supremacy. Worse even, someone has found a way to threaten the nigh invincible Exalted themselves. Being an Exalted yourself, you must ensure your own survival by gathering a group of other Exalted and combat this threat before it destroys you and throws the world into chaos.​

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