Touhou Tower Defense Aigisyu

Release date : Aug 11, 2017 ( 6 years ago )

While cleaning the precincts of the temple, I heard the sound of many footsteps climbing the stone steps. Reimu is excited to see what is going on and wonders if it is a group of visitors. However, she was wrong. Armed Hoffgoblins were coming up the steps. "Reimu, help me!" I've heard the familiar voice, and when I looked closer, I saw that Marisa was being chased by them. "Yes, yes, we're almost there, just hang in there." But the next moment, a magic shot from Marisa's hand grazed my ears. "No, no, Reimu, I thought I heard a strange voice, and then my hands started to..." "I don't believe that! I'll intercept you all together!"

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