Deathbed Lullabye

Release date : Jul 03, 2021 ( 2 years ago )

Deathbed Lullabye is an English Yume Nikki fangame created for Dream Diary Jam 5. It differs from traditional fangames due to how the player only has 7 opportunities to enter the dream world before they are forced to trigger an ending. The dream world changes across 7 nights, with events, NPCs and locations becoming accessible and inaccessible depending on what night it is. In the year 2004 within a hospital in Mexico City, you play as “Teicuh Maria Yayauhqui Calli,” age 37, a widow and musician. She's also terminally ill and is full of regrets about the questionable life she lived. She only has 7 days to live before she succumbs to her illness. If she either passes on peacefully or ends up in purgatory depends on the player's actions.

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