Shall we Date?: Demons’ Bond The Path of Exile

Release date : Jul 19, 2012 ( 11 years ago )

It’s a year after Toyotomi Hideyoshi died (1599), and the human world is once more falling into war. The head of the ten oni clans, Yase-hime, becomes worried about the future of the oni people. She travels to each of the ten clans, now scattered across the land, and asks them to retreat from human contact. On the night that they obey her and all gather in the Yase village, she’s kidnapped and put into a deep sleep. The oni heroine, Suzumori Yukina, is the head of the Suzumori household and was also strong enough to be the ninja guardian of Yase-hime. She’s serious and respects the old ways, and has a hawk companion. Throughout the game, she must decide whether to look for a cure for her princess Yase-hime in the human world, in spite of Yase-hime’s request not to deal with humans.

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