Pokemon Desolation

Release date : TBD

You and your two friends, Ava and Scarlett are on a trip to the Ayrith Region, a large land mass split into several islands. With a freshly made trainer license, you are preparing to challenge the local Pokemon league and hopefully have an unforgettable and fun time with your friends. Unfortunately, a gang war between two mysterious groups erupts and you are separated from your friends and thrown into an island with an unfriendly passenger named Connor who does not hide his contempt for you at all but is willing to work with you. Scrounging up a stray Pokeball from the wreckage of the boat and on the run from the unfriendly natives who worship a man named Kuiki, you and Connor seek to find your friends and survive. Unfortunately things get even more complicated when you are entangled with the machinations of a man calling himself Shiv who knows you for some reason, and the idealistic Utopian dreams of a woman called Nova. Both with strange powers that defy reality and both wanting your support. How will you make your way in this island of mystery and deception? Things may not be all they seem...

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